The GuideBook To Securing High Profile Internships
A Step-By-Step guide to Navigating Corporate America

Published By Dalvin Digital Design

About The Book
There are thousands of books out there that talk about how to climb the corporate ladder and hundreds more that talk about ways to make it to the top. However, there are little to none that talk about the ins and outs of starting a career such as navigating uncertainty, securing internships, networking, battling with imposter syndrome, pivoting careers entirely and many other gems that get lost in exaggerated stories on people far removed from you.
This book is not fiction or click-bait. It is a real story about my life and how I got started off in my career, while literally starting from scratch with no industry connections. By making a plan, taking a few leaps of faith, trying something new, and being my authentic self, I was able to go
from stocking shelves at a local grocery store to securing 7 internships in my field both in the US and abroad doing what I love the most. As CEO of Dalvin Digital Design and a full-time Software Engineer, I, Dalvin Sejour will go through a step-by-step guide to replicate my early career success through my riveting, real and informational narrative.
After graduating from high school, it seems like the world has an unrealistic expectation that
you need to have everything figured out by the time you throw your cap in the air at graduation.
Whether you are deciding to go to college, went straight into the workforce, graduated, or have
started work and looking to pivot careers this easy-to-follow guide through my lenses has
something to offer you.
Internships are important because they
help you figure out what you want to do
and what you don’t want to do before you
start your first career role after
graduation. Because there is a big
difference between a job and a career.

What’s inside
Finding Your Purpose
Study Abroad Information
Mock Interview
Interview skills
Chapter 1
There was no dropping out of school and starting a cool unicorn startup for me. I needed to go with the safest bet, which was to secure a degree, rack up them loans and get a nice job to pay them off by 65 years old.
My aunt and uncle’s sole purpose in life, in their eyes, was to make sure I graduated from college with a degree. So I did what every obedient high school student did and applied to college. My SAT scores were average as hell. I had a 1,400 out of 2,400 on the SAT and a 9 out of 16 on the ACT.
I could honestly say that I half-stepped my college applications, I applied to four schools. Lehigh University flat out denied me. Ramapo College didn’t even respond to me. Another school, Monmouth University, which I thought I was going to get accepted into with flying colors, denied me. I bombed on the writing section of the application that asked: “Why do you want to join our program.” So my last and only option was attending Montclair State University, a local state school only 30 minutes from Irvington. I had no clue what I wanted to do with my life so I declared as undecided so I could find myself. Looking back on it now, it was just God playing the process of elimination for me, which at the time made me feel like I was inadequate.
Luckily for me, I got into a state funded program called the Education Opportunity Fund (EOF) where I was able to spend six weeks gaining college skills with 120 other incoming freshmen from low-income backgrounds from around the area. We got exposed to all the on-campus resources from the Writing Center to the Center of Psychological Services. This cut down the amount of time I spent on campus trying to figure out where certain offices were located. We also took classes for real academic credit, which was helpful because I got a 4.0 GPA in the writing class, which carried over to the regular school year. Being able to be connected to minorities at a Predominately White Institute (PWI) from day one was like getting the cheat codes to Grand Theft Auto, it made my life so much easier. The same counselor I had from my freshman year I have at my disposal until I graduate, which makes the bond even more real and the advice given seem more thoughtful.
EOF boosted my confidence and allowed me to claim my throne on the college campus early. To be in the same room as students from Harvard, Yale, and many other Ivy leagues during my internships in the future, I had to make sure I was excelling at my home turf at school and making sure I set a foundation. Starting off college, I never wrote down the goals and things I wanted to accomplish. I did however just say one thing, “I wanted to be remembered.” Which made filling in the gaps that much easier as time went on.
When opportunity knocks at the door, you gotta yank the door open and welcome it in. One day during the ending of the summer program, a faculty member was giving a presentation on being a campus leader. She said if anyone was interested in working in her office as a student leader, to come and speak to her after the presentation. Everyone paid her lip service, but no one except me and another student actually took her up on her offer. As she was leaving the building, I snuck out and caught her on the stairwell. This woman, who remain nameless, held a position as the head of Commuter Student Programming. Her responsibility was making sure that commuter students got the same amount of love and attention as residents. Even though my school was a commuter school, residents got all the programs and resources to make their college life exciting.
In Amazon Internship Category for books
The guidebook is simple, yet comprehensive allowing anyone to follow the information provided and implement the skills right out the gate.

About the author.

Dalvin Josias Sejour is the son of Haitian Immigrants who came to America to seek a better life. He graduated from Montclair State University, getting a degree in Information Technology with a minor in Business & Computer Science. He currently works as a Software Engineer in San Francisco, California along with helping his portfolio of clients with his company Dalvin Digital Design.
His goal is to lessen the entry to barrier in technology and allow more people to experience the transformative power of the industry.

The Guidebook To Securing Internships: Work Book
The interview process can be a grueling gauntlet of phone calls, emails, and fumbled sentences at the first go-around at it. But with repetition and laser focus, it can be an experience that one can control with finesse and ease. It’s all about coming at it with a focused mindset, which I (Dalvin Sejour) and my Co-Author Nigel Hammett will walk you through securing professional opportunities with our workbook.